As I read in the new "Eltern" (a German magazine for parents and parents to be) there is a test which predicts the gender as early as 10 weeks. It's an urine analysis. If it's a girl it'll turn orange, green if it's a boy.
Scheint relativ zuverlässig zu sein, aber naja, so genau weiß man das ja nie...
Für alle, die es nicht bis zur 20.Woche erwarten können oder bei denen das Baby zu schüchtern ist ;-)
It seems to be reliable but you'll never know...
For everybody who doesn't want to wait until week 20 or who's baby is too shy to show ;-)
Erhältlich leider nur in Drogeriemärkten der USA oder über's Internet.
Available in US drug stores or via Internet.
Homepage: (leider nur in Englisch)
This is totally me! hahahaI always have to do 3d ultra sounds at like 15 weeks so I can find out what Im having!!!
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