Ich glaube das ist wohl einzigartigste Hochzeit überhaupt. Ihr "erster Blick" scheint so schüchtern, als hätten sie ein Blind Date. And schaut euch die Sträuße an und die Tischdeko und das Ringbild. Findet Ihr diese tollen Tischkärtchen nicht auch genial?
Thanks to Kate for the permission :-)
So this is what the photographer is telling from their wedding:
Kati and Steve planned a beautiful, earthy, intimate celebration for their closest family and friends and it was a treat watching all their loved ones come together to help out. We started the afternoon with the most awesome first look - they were so nervous and so stinkin’ cute! I loved that as a last minute thought Steve picked a daisy to give Kati; it later became part of his ceremony attire.
Each and every part of the day was so personal to them - here are some of my favorite things: Steve and his three brothers wearing matching brown Converse with their last name embroidered in the back; their friend Sarah reading from The Little Prince (love that book!); the reading theme spread throughout the celebration - I especially adored the place cards with cute quotes about love and life, and the books from their own bookcases forming the bottom of the centerpieces. [...] and finally the popcorn. Oh my, that popcorn. Kati’s parents have a popcorn store in Arizona and it is hands down the best freakin’ corn I’ve ever tasted in my life. Wow.
And now enjoy this wonderful wedding! Und jetzt genießt die wunderbare Hochzeit!
Image Sources
Oh and be sure to check out the slideshow, many more gorgeous shots from this great wedding!
Oh und schaut euch mal die Diashow, noch mehr geniale Bilder von dieser tollen Hochzeit!
very nice photos! i found your blog by way of ally's.